Whoever wants to be first must place himself last of all and be the servant of all".
Last of all, Servant of all
Holy Lord,
We seem to live in a society founded on the principle of ‘Look after Number One” which is at odds to the words of Jesus. We are told to ‘market ourselves’; to ‘build up our self worth’. We make idols of ‘winners’, and ‘achievers’ - the richest; the fastest; the most daring - have-a-go; made-good; rags-to-riches; self-made-man. Humility is looked on as weakness, and love is a reserved emotion for family and friends.
Holy Lord, we pray today for many who need your help and guidance, but firstly for ourselves. Though, in this, we put ourselves first, we pray for humility and for compassion that we may in all other things put ourselves last.
Last of all, Servant of all.
Holy Lord, although 55 cents will not even buy us a coffee, it will keep death from the door of a starving child. Yet we are first in the coffee line and last to buy life for another. We pray for the malnourished in your world, and that we will be reminded that they are the malnourished in OUR world too. Help us to put their needs before our own, and to make an effort to make an impact on their terrible plight. Help us to truly follow Jesus, by opening our hearts to the 800 million people who are slowly dying from poverty. We pray that in terms of hunger, we might put ourselves last.
Last of all, Servant of all.
Holy Lord, we are dismayed at the unpleasant pictures brought into our homes, of bombings, of rocket attacks, of children crying and of lives lost. Such images disturb our relatively safe and secure lives. Yet this is the reality of life for so many in violence torn capitals, such as Lebanon, Iraq and other trouble spots. We are first to express outrage, but last to do anything about it. We pray for those whose tomorrow is only uncertainty and worry. We pray that a spirit of peace and reconciliation will grow and bring calm to these areas. Also, we pray that we might be inspired to help bring about this peace, through prayer and action. And we pray that we might be the last to stand by in a troubled world.
Last of all, Servant of all.
Holy Lord, we hear the words of Jesus, and we know the Truth that he taught, yet we are not always good at following. As Jesus said of the disciples, we are no better than the rest. We hear what we want to hear, and see what we want to hear. Yet we are first to criticize others whose beliefs are not our own, and last to tolerate their views. Forgive us, Lord, when we use Jesus just to prop up our own superiority and ego. We pray that regardless of their political, economic or religious views, they will come to know you and to worship you. We pray that we might show them the truth, not by force, or coercion, but by example and by the light of the Holy Spirit. May we be first in tolerance and last in bigotry.
Last of all, Servant of all.
Holy Lord, we are quick to defend our lifestyle, our country and our jobs. We are first to mark the threat of invasion, and last to open our doors in hospitality. We pray for those who come to this country in great need and in great danger. We pray for greater wisdom to discern the needy from the opportunist, and for greater compassion to love them both. While the Australian spirit of mateship makes us first to help a mate, we are less welcoming to a refugee fleeing from violence in their own country. We pray that we might have the courage to put their needs first, and our own last.
Last of all, Servant of all.
Holy Lord, how many times have we walked quickly by the homeless? Or looked quickly away from a disabled child? Or hurried around the elderly as they inch forward with their walking frame? We pray for all those who need our help. We pray that you will support them, and be with them, and that we might make them part of - rather than exempt them from - our lives. We pray that we might learn to be more like Jesus - to be their servants first of all, and their betters last of all.
Last of all, servant of all.
Holy Lord, when the service ends, we pray that our service will not. We pray that we may take the Good News that Jesus brought to us, out into the world.