O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace!
We pray for those at war with each other - whether they fight with guns and bombs, or with words and silences.
May we each become a peacekeeper – in our homes, at our work, in the world.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
We pray for those who hate, and those who are hated. May your reconciling spirit bring all together in the harmony that comes from the appreciation of diversity - the radiance of your creation.
May we become gardeners of love, planting the seeds of compassion, growing the flowers of love.
Where there is injury, pardon;
We pray for those who harm – sometimes for reasons that they themselves do not even understand. For the violent attacker who preys on the defenseless, for those who are beaten or assaulted without any provocation.
May we forgive, forgive, forgive. May we pardon, pardon, pardon.
Where there is discord, harmony;
We pray for those who are kept separate by race, ideology, gender or age. For those who love you Lord, but in ways and with customs that others find difficult. For the congregations that split because of differences, forgetting the unifying glory of the trinity.
May we bring understanding, tolerance and patience to those who mistake diversity for animosity.
Where there is doubt, faith;
We pray for those who have lost sight of you in their lives. For those whose days are filled with materialism and modern living with no room for Jesus in their hearts.
May we bring the living Jesus into the lives of others, and by our actions, thoughts and deeds, demonstrate the destruction of doubt through our own faith.
Where there is despair, hope;
We pray for those for whom there appears to be no future. For the street kid, for the drug addict. For the refugee who finds all doors shut. For indigenous people cast adrift from their own lands. For the young who, in despair, would take their own lives. For the family with no income and no jobs, for the prisoner’s wife and family, with no husband, with no father.
May we being hope to those in despair. Through Pex, prison fellowship, through just being there for someone when they need us.
Where there is darkness, light,
We pray for those whose lives are dark and without joy. For those who are lost in their lives. For those who are depressed. For those who are blind to the wonders of your creation.
May the Holy Spirit burn within us, and the light of Jesus shine through us to dispel the darkness that blights the lives of so many.
and Where there is sorrow, joy.
We pray for those who hear the bird but not the song. For those who see the flower but not its colours. For those who feel the sun but not its warmth.
May we bring love, warmth and cheer to all who need it. May we be positive, and never negative. May we never fear to smile, and find good causes to laugh. May we always leave others cheered and refreshed.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console;
We pray that while we carry our own burdens, we might also carry the burdens of others too, Lord.
to be understood as to understand;
We pray that we will understand others’ differences rather than just condemn them.
to be loved as to love;
We pray that we will work harder to give love to others than to receive it from them.
for it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life
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