Lord, We pray for our Minister and his wife, for their health, for their happiness. May they continue to lead us along your path.
We pray also for the members of our congregation - keep them safe, and healthy. Care for them, and their families.
Lord, we recall that it was in 1977 - twenty-five years ago - that the Uniting Church was formed, and we pray now for the Uniting Church, Presbytery, and Elders, that they might know your will, and your direction.
And as we reflect on the year 1977, and recall some of the major events of that year, we are reminded of the many people and situations that are here with us today that require your help.
Lord, although the National Aboriginal Conference was first established 25 years ago, still Australia’s indigenous peoples face issues of racism, and displacement; of alcohol and drugs; of cultural destruction; and truly have become intruders in their own land, - a land where most Australians have never even met an Aboriginal. We pray that you will help us and them to become just us, and that we might work together to redress the mistakes of the past through reconciliation - not in the future, but today, now. And we pray for all indigenous people everywhere. May they realize as soon as possible that we are all your children.
In 1977, the Granville train disaster touched the hearts of all Australians. Since that time, however, an uncountable number of disasters, of all manner and type, have afflicted people all over the world. We pray now Lord, as we did then, that you will be with those who are suffering in the face of adversity, that you will comfort them, and that they will discover your mercy.
Lord, we remember that 25 years ago, the Equal Opportunity Act was passed in Australia, yet even today in many parts of the world, women are still treated as second-class citizens, and denied basic human rights. We pray that your love, and your guidance, which is the ultimate act of equal opportunity, may be received by all the peoples of the world.
Lord, when the last Migrant-Carrying ocean liner docked in Melbourne in 1977, it did not signify the end of immigration. 25 years later, the displaced, the dispossessed, and the oppressed flee their countries in search of safety and freedom. We pray for those refugees who reach our shores in desperation, and for those who do not, and ask that you might breath love and compassion, into our cold, uncaring hearts.
Many may have thought, when Amnesty International won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977, that the next 25 years would be free from oppression, torture, and genocide. We are sad Lord, that this was not the case, and pray, with all our hearts, that your will and your mercy will endure, and that your light will fill even the darkest of hearts.
Lord, 1977 marked the last case of Smallpox in the world. We give thanks for this, but pray for the many victims of illnesses that persist today, sicknesses such as, Cancer, Diabetes, SIDS, MS, Heart Disease and AIDS
Lord, 25 years ago, Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat visited and acknowledged Israel’s right to exist, beginning the long peace process in the region. That peace process continues even today. We pray that your love will touch all sides in this great troubled spot, and bring an end to the terror and death.
Alas, 1977 marked the year that the United States tested the first Neutron bomb. Twenty-five years later, by your grace Lord, no nuclear weapons have been used in anger. Yet as the situation between India and Pakistan heats up, the world faces again the very real danger of Nuclear War. We pray that peace, tolerance, and common sense will prevail.
Lord, 1977 marked the release of the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind and the death of Elvis Presley. While many flocked for a Close Encounter of the Third Kind, we know that the only close encounter that matters is a close encounter with You, and that this is truly a close encounter of the best kind. And although many people think that The King died 25 years ago, we know that the king of kings lives, and breathes a joy and music into our hearts-and-lives every day. And we speak now, the glorious song of love that Jesus gave us, the Lords Prayer.
Our Father in Heaven Hallowed be your name, Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be done, On earth, as it is in Heaven
Give us today, Our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, As we forgive those that sin against us, And lead us not into temptation/Save us from the time of trial And deliver us from evil, For the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, Are yours now and forever