I have tried to maintain a balanced approach in these stories. In other words, while they tend towards a Christian point-of-view, they also attempt to support other faiths without denying or denigrating their beliefs. I personally believe that there is only one way but the particular way that is the only way for me might not be the way for you. Bit deep huh?
Some stories are a little humorous and I make no apologies for that. Nor for the fact that they might not be very well written. Because some people have found them useful or entertaining, I include them here.
Also, please note that these are all Copyright. They are freely provided for personal use, or as part of formal Worship. However, if you wish to reproduce them, then please note that the copyright notice must be redistributed as part of the prayer, and the prayers should not be modified without permission. Reproduction for profit without permission is strictly prohibited. If you do find them of some use then please let me know. I am more likely to continue this web site if I believe it is of some higher benefit than ’vanity publishing’.
All these stories and more are now available in my latest book :
So get your copy straight off the press!